U N N A T U R A L   H I S T O R Y   M U S E U M

“  E X T R A O R D I N A R Y   C L A I M S  ”
immediately sent for and took her remarkable story in writing. Since this time she has gone into a trance daily, and upon awakening has a story to tell of new experiences.
    A Chicago psychologist who has studied the case thinks that the girl was hypnotized by the minister and while in this hypnotic state sees these strange visions. However, no matter what the solution of the mystery may be, Miss Mutchlar’s story is an interesting one.
    Upon losing consciousness the girl claims she had a feeling of being carried upward by unseen hands. When she reached the portals of heaven she was surprised to see not a “golden city,” as has always been taught, but a place that looked like a beautiful spot on this earth. Mountains and lakes dotted the landscape, while beautiful, villas were built in the semblance of earthly architecture. The atmosphere) was warm and balmy, very much like I a summer day on earth.
    A very dear girl friend who had died some years ago met her with these words:
    “Dear Mae, I have been waiting for you so long. Now you must come and live with me always.”
    The queer part of it was that the, people in heaven lived in families just the same as on earth and dwelt together in modern-looking homes. The people were all gowned in silken robes made very much like the dress of the Japanese women and seemed water-proof.
    The lakes were deep and clear and used by the people to bathe in, and great was her surprise when she found herself walking under water without the slightest sensation of x
choking. Exquisite submarine flowers and plants grew on the bottom of these lakes.
    Vegetation was much the same as upon the earth according to her story, only with a greater tropical luxuriance, and the only difference she found in the people was that no one showed extreme old age. The different stages from childhood to the adult age were all portrayed, but old age was nowhere to be seen. The ability to soar through the air like the birds was one of the peculiar characteristics of this strange people and to wish for a thing meant to realize it.
    The air seemed to vibrate with the sweetest strains of music imaginable and no night ever came; instead a soft glow as of twilight spread over the place.
    When the wonderful story told by Miss Mutchlar was made known to the residents of Afton many flocked to her bedside begging for messages from departed loved ones or requesting her to take some message to them during her next flight into the hidden world.
    Weird as it sounds, this is the power claimed by the young woman. When in a trance she can find anyone in the spirit world and exchange messages with the spirit, transmitting those she received in heaven to the friends upon earth when she awakens from insensibility.
    During one of her visits to heaven she claims to have questioned one of the apostles regarding the strange phenomena that allowed her to vibrate as it were twixt heaven and earth. The following is her own ver-sion of his answer:
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