U N N A T U R A L   H I S T O R Y   M U S E U M

“  W E I R D   W E S T E R N   S H O W C A S E  ”
    Johnny Reece, one of Bill’s cowpunchers, says the hodags live in cliff holes with winged snakes. He says he knows because he seen some of the snakes, but Bill says go on, you been getting too much of the Dutch curridge [gin] under your belt; no wonder you seen snakes.
    We been talking to a man who said there is a funny animal’s dead carkiss over the range a ways, and he makes it out something like our hodag. We are going over to see it tomorrow, and I will send you another story next week. If my camera is working I will get some pictures, but the box has been on the bum lately and maybe it won’t be ready in time to get a view.
From— Arizona Republican. (Phoenix, Ariz.), 09 Feb. 1913. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. X
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